Making And Distributing Jars With Boot


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This post covers using boot to build and distribute your applications. We'll dive deep into packing up our clojure code, publishing to clojars, as well as considering other self-hosted distribution options.

We'll do all of this with boot. Because it rocks.

A Simple Application

For use in this post, we'll borrow the "last tweet" app from Advanced Boot Scripting.

Picking up from the end of that article, our directory structure looks something like this:

$ ls -lR
total 8
-rw-r--r--  1 jj  staff  1060 May 20 08:54 downer
drwxr-xr-x  3 jj  staff  102 May 20 08:49 src

total 8
-rw-r--r--  1 jj  staff  651 May 20 08:49 last_tweet.clj

We have two files:

  • downer, a boot script that provides a simple command-line interface to our application.
  • src\last_tweet.clj, our clojure source code - provides the last-tweet namespace.


This application uses the twitter-api library to grab the last tweet from a given account.

As explained in Advanced Boot Scripting, to use it, you must set up a developer account for twitter, and generate API credentials.

The CLI script is called downer because it defaults to displaying the last tweet from the Nihilist Arbys twitter account.

This setup is a nice example of general boot scripting, and how you can build pretty robust applications without compiling anything.

It's also nice groundwork for this post, since it has all of the elements we need to build and distribute jar files.

Here is the source code for last_tweet.clj:

(ns last-tweet
  (:use [twitter.oauth]

  (:import [twitter.callbacks.protocols SyncSingleCallback]))

(defn printer
  (println (:text (first response))))

(defn last-tweet
  [account consumer-id consumer-secret]
    :callbacks (SyncSingleCallback.
                 (comp printer response-return-body)
    :params {:screen-name account
             :count 1}))


The last-tweet namespace and its last-tweet function are fairly self-explanatory. For more information, see Advanced Boot Scripting, and the twitter-api github.

And the source of downer:

#!/usr/bin/env boot
  :dependencies '[[twitter-api "1.8.0"]
                  [org.slf4j/slf4j-nop "1.7.25"]]
  :source-paths #{"src"})

  '[last-tweet :refer [last-tweet]]
  '[boot.cli :as cli])

(cli/defclifn -main
  "Prints the last tweet from the given account. Requires twitter user app
  authentication tokens. The authentication tokens can be set using the
  command-line options below, or in the TWITTER_ID and TWITTER_SECRET
  environment variables.

  USAGE: downer [options] [twitter account]"

  [k consumer-id ID str "Consumer id from Twitter"
   i consumer-secret SECRET str "Consumer secret from Twitter"]
  (let [account (nth *args* 0 "nihilist_arbys")
        consumer-id (or (System/getenv "TWITTER_ID") (:consumer-id *opts*))
        consumer-secret (or (System/getenv "TWITTER_SECRET") (:consumer-secret *opts*))]

    (if (or (nil? consumer-id) (nil? consumer-secret))
      (println "ERROR: you must provide twitter credentials. Try -h")


This boot script is covered in detail in Advanced Boot Scripting.

We've also included the "SLF4J fix" discussed here

Overview Of Our Options

Given we have this application code, we have several ways of putting it together for release:

  1. We can put all the code into a boot script, as initially outlined in Advanced Boot Scripting. It can then be distributed like any other file.
  2. We can distribute our code (with or without a boot script) as a tarball or zip file. We could also use system package - slick tool like FPM can make that super easy.
  3. We can package our application as a Java jar file, and:
    1. Distribute it manually, via e-mail, FTP, file sharing, etc.
    2. Distribute it by uploading it to clojars.
    3. Distribute it using a private Maven repository.

With the last option, we have two approaches we can take:

  • We can package our application code, our CLI interface (currently living in the downer script), and all of our dependencies into what is known as an "uber" jar.
  • We can just pack our application code and CLI interface into a jar meant to be used as a libary.

In this article, we will cover both approaches. Then, we'll cover running our own Maven repository, and uploading to Clojars.

Compiling A Library Jar

For a jar file to be installable via maven (which is what boot and the clojure ecosystem uses under the hood), it must contain a pom.xml file. This file will declare the project version, the dependencies and other metadata.

We can construct a jar file from our source code just using the command line. This is a good practice when first pinning down your build pipeline.

Here's the basic command to get our last tweet jar:

$ boot -d org.clojure/clojure:1.8.0 \
       -d boot/core:2.7.2 \
       -d twitter-api:1.8.0 \
       -s src/ \
       aot -a \
       pom -p last-tweet -v 1.0.0 \
       jar \

Looking in the target directory, we can see our jar file:

$ ls target/*.jar

We have several options for distribution, now that we have a jar file, each one takes advantage of the Apache Maven ecosystem:

  1. We can send the jar file along with the script to the user, and they can install it with boot.
  2. We can set up our own maven repository and upload the jar to that, then provide access to the user.
  3. We can send the jar file to a public repository like clojars.
  4. We can upload the file to S3, and provide credentials to our user.

Wait, Why Not Distribute A Self-Contained Jar?

We could move the CLI logic into our last-tweet namespace, and get rid of the boot script altogether. We could add the "uber" task and bundle all of our dependencies into a single, stand-alone, self-contained jar file that could be distributed (via maven as described above) without any external dependencies besides a JVM (the user won't even need boot or clojure).

This process is covered in some detail here.

There's nothing inherently wrong with this practice. In fact, it's a good idea to seriously consider it when deciding how to deploy an application.

But when writing boot scripts, it can be very useful to allow the user to change things in the script, or encourage them to write new scripts that use the underlying code in new ways.

It helps to start looking at a boot script much like we would any other shell script - consider composing calls to external code instead of implementing and containing it internally.

This concept coupled with the "it just works" approach of boot makes distributing core code as library dependencies of particular interest. You can make changes to your library code and distribute it once, and when your users run their boot script it will automatically update.

On the other side of that coin, you have less worry about breaking existing scripts "in the wild".  Users can pin the version of your library to a specific number and avoid automatic updates altogether.

It amounts to an extremely elegant way of constructing tools.

Script Modifications

To use an external jar instead of our bundled-in code, we just need to omit the :source-paths environment directive, and add our jar into the :dependencies list.

Here are the changes to the (set-env!) call:

  :dependencies '[[twitter-api "0.7.8"]
  [last-tweet "LATEST"]])

Note that we're not pinning the version to a particular release, instead specifying the special keyword LATEST to signal that we always want the latest. This is helpful when distributing jar files that are updated frequently while the boot script is not.

However, be careful not to rely on this too heavily. If the API in the library falls too far out of sync with the script, users will get errors.

Installing A Jar With Boot

Boot provides the install task, which can install jars built with a pipeline of tasks, or a specific jar with the -f option.

$ boot install -f target/last-tweet-1.0.0.jar

Now we can run our script and it will use the locally installed jar:

$ ./downer jjmojojjmojo
RT @adzerk: 3 ways for vendors to keep mobile ad tech lean - "be easy to work with" should be a no brainer @blp101 v…

This is the easiest way to get jars working with boot, but it's the least flexible. Every time you make a change to your code, you need to create a new version of your jar and distribute it to all of your users, and they will need to install it.

Uploading To Clojars

Clojars provides a public maven repository for the greater Clojure community.

There isn't much in the way of documentation for using boot with clojars, but there is a tutorial, and a handy tool called bootlaces that provides a couple of wrapper boot tasks to make the process more seamless.

Alas, neither of these things goes far enough to help the brand new boot user who wants to make use of clojars for their libraries. Very little is explained, and the tutorial is leiningen-centric.


There is also an excellent write up of the process (also linegien-centric but it covers GPG and signing your jars) by Michael Peterson over at ThornyDev including links to the rationale for signing packages.

So lets go over the process in detail, from the ground up. Admittedly, this is probably best left for a separate blog post, but as clojars is a great service and something any clojurist should be equipped to participate in - once you've got a handle on how it works "the hard way", you are free to use bootlaces or derive your own workflow. It slots in nicely with the next section, where we build our own maven repository.

In preparation for pushing your jar to clojars, you'll first need to install GPG.

GPG will be used to sign jar files to ensure they are not tampered with by malicious third parties.


For a comprehensive introduction, see The GPG Mini HOWTO.*

GPG can be installed via the downloads located at, or using your preferred package manager.

MacOs users can use homebrew (brew install gpg), or MacPorts (sudo port install gpg).

We'll need to generate our key, if we've never used GPG before:

$ gpg --gen-key

You will be asked many questions. For most, you can specify the default suggested by gpg (press ENTER). Take note of the e-mail address that you use for your key, it will be the identifier for your new key in your keyring.


It's a good idea to specify a pass-phrase. If you decide not to, you can just enter an empty pass-phrase when prompted.

Now that we've generated our key, we can see it using gpg --list-keys:

$ gpg --list-keys
pub 2048R/5A36EA7C 2015-05-21
uid Josh Johnson <[THE EMAIL YOU PROVIDED]>
sub 2048R/6C662B47 2015-05-21

Next, we need to sign up for a clojars account. Ignore the SSH key entry. We will need to generate a text-based "ASCII-armored" version of our public GPG key to paste into the corresponding text box in the form. This is accomplished with the gpg command:

$ gpg --armor --export [THE EMAIL YOU PROVIDED] code

Copy everything from -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- to -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----, inclusive.

Once you have your account set up, the next thing to do is set up a new repository in our build.boot file:

(set-env! :dependencies '[[twitter-api "0.7.8"]]
             #(conj %
               ["clojars-upload" {:url ""
                                  :username "[YOUR USERNAME]"
                                  :password "[YOUR PASSWORD]"}]))


You will want to source your username and password from an environment variable, or some other place, like a local config file. We're putting them here for the sake of simplicity, but this is not a sound practice!

We've provided a function to set the environment property :repositories. This allows us to update the list of repositories instead of replacing it.

We're ready to upload our jar. This can be done, as before, with use push boot task:

$ boot push -f target/last-tweet-1.0.0.jar -g -k [THE EMAIL FOR YOUR KEY] -r clojars-upload

Taking a look at clojars, we will see our new jar file has been uploaded!

However, it's missing a lot of key information - things that weren't so important when we were building a jar for our own use, but are very important when distributing software to a public repository.

In the next section, we'll fix this, but also use the power of boot to make our workflow easier.

Adding better metatdata, fleshing out our build.boot

We've constructed a library jar, and have successfully uploaded it to clojars. However, at this point we cannot build and distribute boot scripts that depend on our library. Clojars has a "promotion" process that protects users from seeing jars that do not have essential metadata.

Let's rebuild our jar with a URL, a license, and a proper description:

$ boot -d org.clojure/clojure:1.6.0 \
       -d boot/core:2.0.0-rc12 \
       -d twitter-api:0.7.8 \
       -s src/ \
       aot -a \
       pom -p last-tweet\
       -v 1.0.0 \
       -u ""\
       -d "Demo project for advanced boot scripting blog post"\

Now, this is getting a bit (more) unwieldy. It's better if we put this information into our build.boot file. We'll still use the command line for now, as opposed to building our own boot tasks, but we'll set these properties as default options. This way, we are free to construct our build pipeline as we see fit, but we don't have to specify all of these lengthy parameters on the command line.

We will be able to override these values if we desire, using command line arguments as before.

    '[[twitter-api "0.7.8"]
      [org.clojure/clojure "1.6.0"]
      [boot/core "2.0.0"]]
  :source-dirs #{"src/"}
     #(conj % ["clojars-upload"
               {:url ""
                :username "[YOUR USERNAME]"
                :password "[YOUR PASSWORD]"}]))

  pom {:project 'last-tweet
       :url ""
       :version "1.0.1"
       :description "Demo project for advanced boot scripting blog post."
       :license {"MIT License" ""}}
  aot {:all true}
  push {:gpg-sign true
        :repo "clojars-upload"
        :gpg-user-id "[EMAIL ASSOCIATED WITH YOUR KEY]"
        :gpg-passphrase "[YOUR PASSPHRASE]"})

This is a lot of stuff, so lets walk through the new concepts line by line:

Lines 1-4 invokes the set-env! function to declare the dependencies we require to be included in our jar. These correspond to the -d options in the command line we used earlier.

Line 5 specifies the source directories. We previously specified our source directory with the -s command-line option.

Lines 6-10 update the repositories list with our clojars destination and credentials, as we implemented earlier.

For general explanation of these environment modifying lines, check out Boot Environment, in the Boot Wiki.

The rest of the file represents settings that are passed to boot tasks.

Generally speaking, these correspond 1:1 with the command line options, but are expected to be pre-processed into clojure data objects.

You can figure out the exact key to set for each value using the -h switch. For example, the help text for the pom task, looks like this:

$ boot pom -h
Create project pom.xml file.

The project and version must be specified to make a pom.xml.

 -h, --help Print this help info.
 -p, --project SYM Set the project id (eg. foo/bar) to SYM.
 -v, --version VER Set the project version to VER.
 -d, --description DESC Set the project description to DESC.
 -u, --url URL Set the project homepage url to URL.
 -l, --license NAME:URL Conj [NAME URL] onto the project license map.
 -s, --scm KEY=VAL Conj [KEY VAL] onto the project scm map (KEY in url, tag).

And we can see that the -d command line option corresponds to the``:description`` key passed to task-options!.

Of particular interest to us are the --project and --license options - these are not specified as simple strings.

The --project option is converted to a clojure symbol, as hinted at by the SYM placeholder variable. To verify this, we need to look at the source for the task, and read the task-option DSL:

"Create project pom.xml file.
The project and version must be specified to make a pom.xml."

[p project SYM sym "The project id (eg. foo/bar)."
 v version VER str "The project version."
 d description DESC str "The project description."
 u url URL str "The project homepage url."
 l license NAME:URL {str str} "The project license map."
 s scm KEY=VAL {kw str} "The project scm map (KEY in url, tag)."]

Here we see in the 4th column, the handling directive for each command line option. In the case of the --project option, the sym specification casts the value from the command line into a symbol.

The --license is specificed as {str str}, indicating it is a mapping. On the command line, a colon is used to separate the key of the map from its value. Additional --license command line options will conjoin into a single map. As such, in task-options!, a map is expected.


For a comprehensive explanation of the various options, see the Task Options DSL page in the Boot Wiki.

The rest of the options are simply strings. A few, such as the -a, or :all parameter to the aot task, are flags, and are specified with a boolean value.

One last note: the version of our project has to be incremented every time that we change the metadata in our jar file. This is important to note since the output jar will be named differently. If you try to upload a jar with the same version as a previous upload, it will fail with an "Access Denied" error.

Now we can rebuild and redeploy our jar. Since we're chaining the boot tasks, the push task knows to look for jar files to upload in the working file set, so we don't have to specify the path.

$ boot aot pom jar push

These tasks can be simply composed into a custom boot task. This is left as an exercise for the reader, but with the following caveat:

Once you've uploaded a jar to clojars, there's no automatic or simple way to get it removed.

You can open an issue in github to ask for a deletion (details here), but it's considered bad form.

As such, please be careful what you upload!. Make sure that you're running tests, and doing verifications on your jar files before you push them out for mass consumption.

It's a good idea to work those sorts of checks into any custom tasks that you put together.

Building Your Own Maven Repository

Maven handles resolving dependencies in the Java ecosystem. In maven terms, a repository is where you store artifacts, chiefly jar files. It's what boot uses under the hood to resolve and store dependencies.

Maven repositories are relatively simple. If you've been using boot, you already have one, located in ~/.m2.

If you take a look you'll see how the files are laid out:

$ ls -la ~/.m2/repository/
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 41 jj staff 1394 Apr 5 10:50 .
drwxr-xr-x 3 jj staff 102 Apr 1 09:46 ..
drwxr-xr-x 3 jj staff 102 Apr 1 09:47 alandipert
drwxr-xr-x 7 jj staff 238 Apr 1 09:46 boot
drwxr-xr-x 3 jj staff 102 Apr 1 09:47 byte-streams
drwxr-xr-x 3 jj staff 102 Apr 1 09:47 cheshire
drwxr-xr-x 3 jj staff 102 Apr 1 09:47 clj-http
drwxr-xr-x 3 jj staff 102 Apr 1 09:47 clj-http-lite
drwxr-xr-x 3 jj staff 102 Apr 1 09:47 clj-jgit
drwxr-xr-x 3 jj staff 102 Apr 1 10:49 clj-oauth
drwxr-xr-x 3 jj staff 102 Apr 1 09:47 clj-stacktrace
drwxr-xr-x 3 jj staff 102 Apr 1 09:47 clj-tuple
drwxr-xr-x 3 jj staff 102 Apr 1 09:47 clj-yaml
drwxr-xr-x 3 jj staff 102 Apr 1 09:47 clojure-complete
drwxr-xr-x 7 jj staff 238 Apr 1 10:49 com
drwxr-xr-x 3 jj staff 102 Apr 1 09:47 commons-codec
drwxr-xr-x 3 jj staff 102 Apr 1 09:47 commons-fileupload
drwxr-xr-x 3 jj staff 102 Apr 1 09:47 commons-io
drwxr-xr-x 3 jj staff 102 Apr 1 09:46 commons-logging
drwxr-xr-x 3 jj staff 102 Apr 1 10:49 crouton
drwxr-xr-x 3 jj staff 102 Apr 1 09:47 fs
drwxr-xr-x 3 jj staff 102 Apr 1 10:49 http
drwxr-xr-x 4 jj staff 136 Apr 1 12:46 io
drwxr-xr-x 3 jj staff 102 Apr 1 09:47 javax
drwxr-xr-x 3 jj staff 102 Apr 1 09:47 javazoom
drwxr-xr-x 3 jj staff 102 Apr 1 09:47 jline
drwxr-xr-x 3 jj staff 102 Apr 5 10:50 last-tweet
drwxr-xr-x 3 jj staff 102 Apr 1 09:47 mvxcvi
drwxr-xr-x 4 jj staff 136 Apr 1 09:47 net
drwxr-xr-x 3 jj staff 102 Apr 3 08:20 opencv
drwxr-xr-x 3 jj staff 102 Apr 3 09:52 opencv-native
drwxr-xr-x 14 jj staff 476 Apr 1 10:49 org
drwxr-xr-x 3 jj staff 102 Apr 1 09:47 potemkin
drwxr-xr-x 3 jj staff 102 Apr 1 09:47 primitive-math
drwxr-xr-x 3 jj staff 102 Apr 1 09:47 reply
drwxr-xr-x 3 jj staff 102 Apr 1 09:47 riddley
drwxr-xr-x 3 jj staff 102 Apr 1 09:47 ring
drwxr-xr-x 3 jj staff 102 Apr 1 09:47 slingshot
drwxr-xr-x 3 jj staff 102 Apr 1 09:47 tigris
drwxr-xr-x 3 jj staff 102 Apr 1 09:47 trptcolin
drwxr-xr-x 3 jj staff 102 Apr 1 10:49 twitter-api

Note the last-tweet directory - this is where boot put our jar file when we installed it in the last section.

A maven repository is this directory structure, accessible from one of a plethora of different protocols. This includes the file system, HTTP, WebDAV, even directly from S3.

We'll build a repository that we use the file system to write to (we could also use SFTP if this were a remote system), and provide HTTP access for a read-only use.

Boot doesn't currently contain any tools to do this sort of work, so we'll need to install maven.

This is fairly simple, we just need to download the tarball, and unzip it. We can then put its bin directory into our $PATH so it's available (note this will need to go into your .bash_profile or similar location to make the change "stick"):

$ wget
$ tar -xvf apache-maven-3.3.3-bin.tar.gz
$ export PATH="$PWD/apache-maven-3.3.3/bin:$PATH"
$ which mvn
...path to the mvn executable


See the download page for alternative mirrors and formats.

If you are using OS X, you can install maven via homebrew:

$ brew install maven

To construct a new maven repository, we just need to install our jar to it:

$ mvn deploy:deploy-file \
 -DpomFile=target/META-INF/maven/last-tweet/last-tweet/pom.xml \
 -Dfile=target/last-tweet-1.0.0.jar \
 -DrepositoryId=local-repo \

As a first pass, we can use the file:// protocol to load the jar from our new repository. We'll need to remove the file from our local repository first:

$ rm -rf ~/.m2/repository/last-tweet

Then we can add the new repository to our downer script:

 :dependencies '[[twitter-api "0.7.8"]
                 [last-tweet "LATEST"]]
 :repositories #(conj % '["my-maven-repo" {:url "file://[full-path-to-your-repo]"}]))

We use conj here to preserve the baked-in defaults.

When we run downer now, we'll see an ever-so-slight pause and a blank line to indicate the jar is being found and copied. We can then verify that it was used by checking ~/.m2/repository:

$ ./downer
$ ls -l ~/.m2/repository

To share this repository, we have many options, but we're going to do the simplest for our introductory purposes: set up nginx to serve our repository to the public.


Any web server will work, as long as it generates directory listings.

First, we need to install nginx. There are packages available for most operating systems, and it's in homebrew for folks using OS X.

Since the location of the nginx configuration is variable depending on what operating system you're using, we'll make a bare-minimum configuration and pass it to nginx, called nginx.conf:

events {
   worker_connections 1024;

http {
   default_type application/octet-stream;
   server {
     listen 8080;
     location / {
         autoindex on;


You will want to better fine-tune the web server in a "production" deployment, this is just a bare-minimum example to get you going.

We can then start up nginx:

$ nginx -c nginx.conf

Nginx will run in the background. Now you can open a browser to http://localhost:8080/, and see your repository.

We can now configure the boot script to use this repository in the same manner we used the file path earlier:

  :dependencies '[[twitter-api "0.7.8"]
                  [last-tweet "LATEST"]]
  :repositories #(conj % '["my-maven-repo" {:url "http://localhost:8080"}]))

And we can test it in the same way as before:

$ rm -rf ~/.m2/repository/last-tweet
$ ./downer
$ ls -l ~/.m2/repository

To shut down nginx, we use the -s switch:

$ nginx -s stop

From here, you can construct fairly complex maven systems. Maven supports HTTP authentication, so you can present your repository to the world and limit access. You can use WebDAV to make the HTTP-side of the repository read and write.

Outside of the HTTP front-end, you can settle on the file:// protocol and put the repository on a shared drive, and ensure each user has it mounted to the same location.

SFTP is an option for read/write of a remote system, using SSH for authentication (works with keys).